Sunday, 21 December 2008

Christmas Cheer?

[sigh] The S700 turned up - and it works (to a degree). It samples and plays back fine, but alas, the drive is a dud. Hopefully I can fix it over the Christmas hols. It's usually the belt drive - and hopefully I can find a rubber band the right size and tension to get it working again. The floppy on my S1100 has also given up the ghost too - those drives are easy enough to get, it's just having to get the beast out of the rack and open it up.
I also spent a few quid this month as well - I'm a gonna if the missus finds out... Pro Tools Le 8 upgrade, Sylenth2  soft synth and the new Alchemy synth from Camel audio (which, by the way, is bloody amazing - actually they all are).
So, i'm gonna be busy over the next weeks justifying my purchases. :-)

Akai S700 (top) Akai S1100 (bottom)

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