Here are some photo's. The top is Opcode's Studio Vision DAW, the other's are some of my MIDI gear - spot the Studio 4's and Studio 5LX. My other Studio 5 is dead at the moment - need to fix the circuit board (don't spose anyone has any tech leaflets or pix of insode a Studio 5? I'd use my other as ref, but it's got a slightly different wiring system for some reason?).
Opcode Vision 4 |
S700, S1100, D-550, JV-1080, S750 K5m, K1r, Wavestation SR M3r, Matrix1000, 2x Studio 5LX's |
Jason guarding my EX-800, Digi-001, A-Station Micro-Modular and ESI's 32 and 2000 |