Saturday, 13 February 2010

Korg Poly-61 back from the dead!

Well, I am well and truly chuffed to bits... my first synth - a Korg Poly-61 that I bought for £400 back in 1986 is working again.
It's been dead for over 7 years due to a battery leak eating the CPU board. I tried cleaning the damage but to no avail. So it's been sitting in the corner of my studio collecting dust since the
n as I couldn't bear to get rid of it, hoping that someday I might find a spare CPU board to replace it.

So... just last week I decided to have a look on E-bay for some synth bargains and surprise.. a guy was selling just the board I needed for £40 - got my bid in and won - superb!!!
So today I've put the board in, stripped the keyboard as the contacts were caked in dirt and dust and now it's working as good as it did back in '86. - fan-bloody-tastic!!!